Last week CONTENUR presented the new range of side-loading containers, as well as the new concept for waste management, Recycla in the Lipor Auditorium in Baguim do Monte, in Northern Portugal.
Recycla uses new technologies applied to products to be used for collection, in order for town councils, service companies and citizens to benefit from a greater control over the recycling process and a more economic and efficient management, aiding the fulfilment of European regulations.
CONTENUR’s previous side-loading model is already being used in some Portuguese towns, however the new model has a more uniform appearance, it is easier to handle and thanks to its design, it is accessible to everyone.
The city of Sintra, through the HPEM company (Public Hygiene – Municipal Company of Sintra), was the first district to use this new equipment in Portugal, which has meant a 40% increase in the selective collection levels, as the ex-president of the HPEM Board, Rui Caetano commented
Our sales manager in Portugal, Jorge Pereira Gomes, also stated that with this new product the idea is to encourage both citizens and districts to increase the waste collection rate and to carry out an improved management to reduce the operating expenses.
The new containers that are available for the different types of selective collection are fitted with large openings positioned at a maximum height of 1180 cm from the ground, as well as allowing the incorporation of intelligent components, such as identification cards or labelling on the bags for a comprehensive management of the waste.
CONTENUR’s Western Europe Sales Manager, Lorenzo Fernández, explained to the municipal technicians that intelligent management of the waste is the main characteristic of the Recycla project, which is basically aimed at helping the districts to meet the targets established by the European Union for 2020, increasing recycling from 30% to 50%.