

Latest news from CONTENUR

CONTENUR launches a new solution for the OMEGA litter bins CONTENUR launches a new solution for the OMEGA litter bins CONTENUR launches a new solution for the OMEGA litter bins

CONTENUR launches a new solution for the OMEGA litter bins

The litter bin island allows users to separate waste at source and facilitates selective waste collection. Specially designed to be placed in urban environments with a large number of people.

Madrid City Council chooses CONTENUR underground containers to be installed in the centre of the capital

Madrid City Council chooses CONTENUR underground containers to be installed in the centre of the capital

Madrid City Council will install new underground containers, for the first time, in the Centro district, as Borja Carabante, the delegate of the Urban Planning, Environment and Mobility Area, announced at the Government Meeting "this initiative is included in the contract for containerization, collection and transport of waste which was launched in November 2022".

Ellgia Recycling chooses CONTENUR branded bins to incentivise recycling

Ellgia Recycling chooses CONTENUR branded bins to incentivise recycling

Ellgia Recycling has recently chosen two and four wheeled rear loading containers, manufactured at our Knowsley production facility, to encourage recycling amongst visitors to Kelling Heath Holiday Park.